Balsamic Vinegar - Pear

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SKU:  VB-120-227

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The first mention of the pear is found in Homers (9th century BC) epic poem, The Odyssey, confirming that the pear was cultivated in Greece as early as three thousand years ago. The first pear tree was planted in America in 1620 and we've been finding ways to enjoy the taste ever since. You've had them fresh, cooked, spiced, fermented, dried, as a wine or even grown in a bottle smothered by brandy. Now we're proud to bring them to you in our 25 Star Balsamic, you'll never want them any other way! A classic flavor profile that is the perfect accomplice to any and all of your favorite food festivities.

"Pear" it with the Spanish Hojiblanca Extra Virgin Olive Oil , Basil Infused Olive Oil or Chipotle Infused Olive Oil.

Dark BV Nutrition Facts

White BV Nutrition Facts

Dark BV Specsheet

White BV Specsheets